The chances of relapse can be much greater for individuals who leave rehab and go right back to the same environment in which they were using. All of the memories of using inside their home, in their community, and seeing all their friends who they used with is just too overwhelming to ignore. It’s possible that people in recovery can return “home,” but it’s not until they are stronger mentally and emotionally to deal with the triggers.
The triggers that come along with going home after rehab are what make sober-living housing helpful in recovery. Being in a new environment where there are no memories of using or easy access to drugs and alcohol can keep addicts on the road of recovery.
About Sober-Living Housing
Sober-Living Housing is transitional housing and is a setting where many people who, upon completion of a rehab program, go to live immediately. The sober-living house is usually a residential home with a few bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, and dining room. Multiple people live inside the home, and they are all recovering from drug or alcohol addiction. There are varying degrees of support provided, from resident in-house clinical counseling to peer-to-peer management. The differences are primarily cost-driven.
Sober-Living Housing is not simply a place to live. It is a regulated environment. There are rules and a program to follow while living in the home. These rules and programs continue the work that was done in the rehab center. One main difference is that residents can leave the house, as their rules will allow, and use the skills they learn in the community. This is helpful because when they face a trigger, they are able to use their coping skills and can retreat to the sober-living house for support.
In addition to strengthening the skills needed to continue recovery, sober-living housing also helps residents in putting their life back together now that they are clean and sober. This can include job training, resume writing, and applying for jobs. Once residents get a job, the staff and counselors can help them create a budget and save money, so they will be able to secure a place to live once they have graduated from sober-living housing.
The time residents spend at sober-living housing is usually something less than six months, but a few may remain in a sober-living environment longer. As long as residents continue to need the program and follow the rules, they can stay in the house. Most sober-living staff members encourage residents to leave the house when they are ready to do so, though. It’s important for residents not to become dependent on it and learn how to live on their own outside of this supportive environment.
Continue Recovery and Decrease Relapse Risk with Sober-Living Housing
Don’t risk your recovery after leaving rehab by going to your old haunts. You know the temptations will be there, and as much as you want to believe you will be able to turn away from them, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Sober-Living Housing allows you to continue your recovery without those temptations. You can achieve sobriety once and for all with a good recovery program and the help of a sober-living environment. Use sober-living to your advantage.